Out-of-warranty service

Update Time: 2023-10-08 16:15:36

This warranty does not cover accidental damage nor any of the following conditions, however, paid repair services are available.

1. After the warranty period;

2. No valid proof of purchase, an exception can be granted if the customer can prove that the phone is within the warranty period;

3. No realme official warranty commitments;

4. The phone is damaged due to improper use (such as falling, squeezing, water damage, etc.);

5. Damage and malfunction due to uncontrollable external forces (such as floods, fires, earthquakes, lightning strikes and traffic accidents);

6. Failure to use and maintain the product according to the instructions that lead to damage or malfunction, such as use under extreme temperatures, use of non-realme accessories, etc.;

7. Product natural wear and tear (for example casing, buttons, display, accessories, etc.);

8. Dis-assembly, self-repair, modification, rooting and other human behavior that causes damage.

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