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What if the realme Smart TV displays lines or dots?

Update Time: 2023-11-24 17:49:44

If your TV has lines and dots as shown in the picture above, please refer to the following solutions.

Abnormal video with lines or dots

Some videos of low quality or resolution will have lines or dots, it is suggested to use other video resources or watch the video online.

The influence of external devices

Poor contact with external devices, poor quality or too long HDMI cable, abnormal external devices, and other reasons can also cause this issue on the TV.

Please follow the steps below:

1. Disconnect the external device from the TV, then check if the lines or dots persist.

    If yes, please refer to Check if the issue is caused by the TV to troubleshoot.

    If not, there may be some issues with the connection between the TV and the external device. Please refer to the following steps.

2. Re-connect the cable to the TV and external device.

3. Replace a short, and high-quality cable.

4. Restart the external device.

5. Replace with another external device, then check if the lines or dots persist.

    If yes, please refer to Check if the issue is caused by the TV to troubleshoot.

    If not, please use the newly replaced external device, or contact the supplier of the external device with malfunction for further help.

Check if the issue is caused by the TV.

1. Unplug the TV power cord and reinsert it after 2 minutes.

2. Please refer to How to reset realme Smart TV?  to restore the TV to factory settings.

If the issue still persists, please apply for after-sales service for TV by calling Toll-free no. 1800 102 2777.

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