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How to use NFC and tap pay feature for payment

Update Time: 2024-05-11 14:36:29

Near-Field Communication is a technology that allows a connection between two devices, out of which one of the device is usually a portable device(such as smartphones), to establish a connection by bringing both devices within a required distance of 4 cm.

Uses of NFC:

The devices equipped with NFCs are used in the contact-less payment systems, that is just as same as used in credit cards and also in electronic ticket smart cards and allows the mobile payments to be replaced with these systems.NFCs are also used in social networking for the transfer of photos, contacts, files and videos. Devices with NFC can also perform as electronic identification documents and keycards.Sometimes NFC is also referred to as NFC/CTLS(contact-less) or CTLS NFC.

Working of NFC:

There are two modes of working of NFC-

-Passive: In this method, the target device becomes the transponder when the target device draws the operating power from the electromagnetic field provided by initiator.

-Active: In this method, communication between the initiator and target device is created by alternatively generating their own fields. While the device is waiting for the data, the device deactivates the RF field. Both the devices typically have power supplies in this method.


-Commerce: NFC devices can be used as contactless payments and can also be used as smart cards.

-Bootstrapping other Connection: The low-speed connection allowed by NFC can be used to bootstrap more capable wireless connection with just a simple setup.

-Social Networking: Can be used for sharing pictures, videos, files and more and it can also be used to play multiplayer mobile games.

-Identity and access tokens: NFC can be used as electronic identification document and key-cards.

-NFC tags and Smartphones Automation: Devices equipped with NFC can be paired with NFC tags as well as NFC stickers that can be controlled with NFC apps. This can provide many commands to the smartphones.

-Sports:There are soccer balls that contains NFC chips within, that enables the users to interact with the ball using the smartphone.


Now we have seen all the features as well as the working of NFC, it clearly shows that it is best technology for wireless connections or communication. Soon it will be more useful and easier way to communicate.

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